Total Mixed Ration-Feed Mixer loading options
When it comes to select a TMR Mixer it’s good to know about the different alternatives which are available in the market. Here you will find a short overview on typical equipment type.Read More →
When it comes to select a TMR Mixer it’s good to know about the different alternatives which are available in the market. Here you will find a short overview on typical equipment type.Read More →
Total Mixed Ration (TMR)-FAQs
Total Mixed Ration (TMR) is a type of feeding method for ruminants that involves combining various feed ingredients to provide a nutritionally balanced diet in every bite. Read More →
The task of the German Livestock Association (BRS) is to promote German breeding and animal husbandry – particularly for the animal species cattle and pig. This is achieved through the development of rules and principles that require a uniform approach, through the joint representation towards policy, the authorities and other organizations at national and international level, through cooperation with science, the support of research projects in all fields of animal breeding and animal husbandry and by promoting the quality of livestock production.
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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
Livestock Systems-Ruminant livestock species such as cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats are generally much more dependent directly on the environment in which they live for fodder and feed resources than are pigs and chickens.Read More →
ZAGO Unifeed “Duo Mix”-The Horizontal 2 Auger TMR mixing system guarantees efficient cutting and mixing for a homogeneous Totally Mixed Ration (TMR).Read More →
TopAgro-The information portal for Livestock Farming and Environmental Technologies. TopAgro network members are manufacturers with a focus on specific applications and machines to give expert advise to sales partners and end users.Read More →
SABRE WT TMR mixer with silage grinder, features the “DUO MIX” TMR chopping and mixing system by ZAGO, which ensures great working speed and precision with limited power absorption.Read More →
SABRE WT TMR mixer with silage grinder, features the “DUO MIX” TMR chopping and mixing system by ZAGO, which ensures great working speed and precision with limited power absorption.Read More →
SABRE NT features the “DUO MIX” TMR chopping and mixing system invented and developed by ZAGO, which ensures great working speed and precision with limited power absorption.Read More →
ZAGO Unifeed Division designs and manufactures modern horizontal and vertical TMR (Total Mixed Ration) equipment, to increase overall efficiency in terms of milk and meat productivity.
Product range includes trailed, stationary & self-propelled TMR-Feed Mixer and Straw Blowers for animal welfare.Read More →
ZAGO is specialized in the production of livestock feeding equipment with the Unifeed/TMR technique and machines for the Environment.Read More →
Livestock-Nutrition The correct mixture of feed for livestock is essential for animal health and the economy of the farm.Pasture, hay and forage, balanced feed, functional supplements, minerals, and molasses are part of animal nutrition and must be provided according to the purpose of the livestock, the sex and breed ofRead More →
Manure as a resource! Utilizing manure can become an interesting and positive economic factor, rather than a burden or an environmental issue related to soil, water, and air.Read More →
The innovative FREE FLOW MIX® system, characterized by the exclusive action of the 2 + 2 augers, reduces significantly the processing time, ensures maximum uniformity of the feed ration.the mixture.Read More →
ZAGO’s AVM-Vertical “Tornado” Mixing System means the simplification of the cutting and mixing, while offering a significant reduction in feed compaction and the best Totally Mixed Ration.Read More →
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